Thursday, January 29, 2009

Na zdrowie!

Konichiwa Bs!

I'm not sure, why I just had to think about this vodka... I mean, it's 1pm on a Thursday... no party in sight and no behind me... no fuckin clue!

But my all thoughts magically started to circle around BELVEDERE VODKA!


Yey... this is crazy shit, but the fact that this vodka is so popular and famous in the US is even more crazy... I mean, it comes from a country, most people even don't know where it exactly is or how the capitol is called... in fact, most people know nothing about... I guess, they even have no clue that BELVEDERE VODKA is POLISH... I know, this must come to you as a damn shock! ;)


I remember seeing a huge billboard downtown Chicago... and there are all the movies where they always drink BELVEDERE... you totally have to pay attention and you'll be surprised, how often this happens!
Of course, I only remember seeing it on the Gilmore Girls, but I know, there were many more occasions... if someone remembers or sees it in the future, let me know!


Always yours, A.

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