Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hungry? ;)

Konichiwa Bs!

Yuuuuuuummy... check out this edible dildo made of fruit gum! It comes in four flavors - strawberry, apple, champagne or coke (like in Coca Cola, of course... hehe)


Great and so convenient! ;)

18cm (7 inches) and 240gr (0,5lbs) of pure pleasure and nibbling!!

I really hope someone gets me this shit for Christmas! ;)

Always yours, A.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

You gotta be fuckin' kidding me!

Konichiwa Bs!


Always yours, A.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Best of Michael K!

Konichiwa Bs!

This is fuckin hilarious!!!! I'm TOTALLY dying and laughing my ass off!!!!

There is no other way, but to love Michael K!
He is the God of ironic, sarcastic and cynical gossip!!!

Check it out... Guy Richie Doesn't Give A Shit!

My all time favorite quote:

Oops. Guess who was photographed with David and Rocco yesterday at the airport? Guy broke a rule! No gold star for him!

Hopefully, he'll continue to break rule after rule. He should make sure he's papped going into a porn theater, with the boys wearing polyester, eating cookies and candy, with a G.I. Joe toy in one hand and in the other hand a copy of OK! magazine with the tagline "Madge & Guy: It's Over!"


Always yours, A.

Monday, November 10, 2008

So true!



Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!


Konichiwa Bs!

My favorite gossip bitch Michael K just informed me that there will be a "Sex and the City" sequel!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!
Better make it quick this time, I don't wanna wait another year! Damn!

Ehm, we kinda all know the movie wasn't THAT perfect, as expeted, but STILL! Yeeeey! ;)
At least, Samantha totally has to be back together with Smith!!!

Always yours, A.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yeeeey! Meet the 44th president of the USA!

Konichiwa Bs!

What is there more to say? Just read, watch and enjoy! :)

P.S.: I fell in love with Obama about TWO whole years ago, when I read an article about him the the polish newsmagazine "Polityka"! Yes, bitches! I ain't no hanger-on! ;)

Always yours, A.